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Run on Sun - once again - One of Top Solar Companies in the U.S.!


  06:24:00 am, by   , 236 words  
Categories: All About Solar Power, Residential Solar

Run on Sun - once again - One of Top Solar Companies in the U.S.!

Once again, Run on Sun has been named to Solar Power World’s Top Solar Contractors list!

Run on Sun - again a top solar contractor!

As we have in eight of the past ten years, Run on Sun continues to “punch above our weight,” providing quality solutions for residential solar clients.  Looking at the numbers from last year (the 2023 list is based on 2022 installations), Run on Sun went over one megawatt of solar installations!  Not bad for a small shop!

In compiling the data, the folks at Solar Power World also looked at some interesting trends, such as:

  • More than 62% of the companies on the list has one or more members who - like Run on Sun Founder & CEO, Jim Jenal - are NABCEP Certified.  (Jim’s been NABCEP certified since 2010!)

  • California is the top state for installations with 24% of all installs done here.  After California are: New York and Texas (both at 13%), followed by Illinois and Florida (12% each)

  • 73% of companies plan to get into home energy management and/or EV-related products

  • REC panels - that we use - were the second most popular choice (accounting for 14% of all installs), behind QCells at 23%.  Interestingly, Panasonic was only 4%.

  • Enphase microinverters were the far and away top choice, accounting for 33% of all installs, followed by SolarEdge at 21%.  Once dominant SMA is down in single digits!  (Lo how the mighty have fallen!)

It is a privilege to be in such fine company, and we look forward to adding to our streak next year!




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Jim Jenal is the Founder & CEO of Run on Sun, Pasadena's premier installer and integrator of top-of-the-line solar power installations.
Run on Sun also offers solar consulting services, working with consumers, utilities, and municipalities to help them make solar power affordable and reliable.

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